I'm attempting to write a level viewer for Quake 3 levels (repo here). I've got some of the way towards it, but for every level I try to view with it I get lots of missing faces.
In the above image, I have disabled backface culling in order to show where faces are missing a little better.
My question is, has anyone else run into this problem? I know Quake/Quake 3 level rendering is a well-trodden path, so I'm luckier than most in this situation. I so far only render meshes and polygons, not models, but most of the missing faces seem to be where one would expect static faces.
I'm not really asking for a code review, as much of the implementation details I would not expect to be common (I transform the BSP tree into a proper tree structure and discard the index-based structure entirely), but if anyone has seen this before I'd love to know what the issue was.