I have my "player" object moving around an arena type area, with miscellaneous objects scattered about. What I want to do is move the player near any of these objects, and on keypress I want to display a circular radius with the player in the center that will detect nearby objects (eventually being filtered by tag).
I realize there are many ways to accomplish this, but being relatively new to Unity I am trying to find a way that is intuitive to me. Looking at the documentation, Physics2D.CircleCastAll seems like it would fit my needs, but I am unable to test at this time (at work).
Provided CircleCastAll is what I do use, is there a way in the scene to display the circle that is being cast so that the player can visually see the radius? I know it returns a RayCastHit2D, so I can get the objects from that, but the player should have something visual to let them know if they are slightly out of range or not.
Any suggesions/tips are welcome. Thanks in advance!