I am trying to load raw image data into a Texture2D in Unity using LoadRawTextureData
but I can't get it to work correctly.
First I receive an array of bytes from an unmanaged function that captures a window. I am pretty sure these bytes represent an image in BGRA32 format.
int dataSize = width * height * 4;
byte[] imgData = new byte[dataSize];
bool success = CaptureWindow(windowInfo, imgData, (uint)(dataSize));
Then I try to create a new Texture2D with this data
Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.BGRA32, false, true);
And finally I create a new plane and assign this texture to its material.
GameObject plane = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Plane);
plane.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.mainTexture = tex;
This doesn't work (Notice how the color channels are mixed up):
However, when I reverse the byte array before loading it into the texture as ARGB32, it does work:
Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false, true);
The problem with this solution is that Array.Reverse
is too slow.
Why doesn't loading it as BGRA32 work? Isn't BGRA32 just the reverse of ARGB32?
FYI: I am using Unity 5.1.2f1 on Windows and SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat
returns true for both BGRA32 and ARGB32.