I am working on a pen and paper game and I am wanting to use three core attributes that everything else is based off of. These three attributes being Physique, Skill and Will. However, if you're familiar with Fable, you will know that these were used in the game series.
My question is, could I use these same three core attributes in my games system without legal ramifications later down the road?
I would like to think not because one is from a video game and my project is pen and paper, not to mention that the terms Physique, Skill and Will are highly unlikely be to copyrighted.
And I also know that I shouldn't expect 100% accurate legal advice on this site but if anyone has any legal experience in these sorts of areas, it would at least give me a basis to go off of.
I'll continue doing research and hopefully between all of us, the question can be answered soon.
Thanks in advance.