I'm making a top-down strategy game so I thought a minimap is a must. I'm using Scene2D to display my GUI and since the minimap is technically a part of the GUI, I used the stage camera to position the minimap. Below is how I'm rendering the minimap.
shape.setProjectionMatrix (stage.getCamera ().combined);
shape.begin (ShapeType.Filled);
shape.setColor (Color.CYAN);
shape.rect ((Constants.RENDER_WIDTH - 500) + ship.getX () / 30, ship.getY () / 30, 5, 5);
shape.end ();
shape.setProjectionMatrix (stage.getCamera ().combined);
shape.begin (ShapeType.Line);
shape.setColor (Color.YELLOW);
shape.rect (Constants.RENDER_WIDTH - 500, 0, 500, 500);
shape.setColor (Color.WHITE);
shape.rect ((Constants.RENDER_WIDTH - 500) + (camera.position.x) / 30, (camera.position.y - camera.viewportHeight / 2) / 30, Constants.RENDER_WIDTH / 30, Constants.RENDER_HEIGHT / 30);
shape.end ();
The first ShapeRenderer (shape) call renders the ship marker, which is currently a small square. The second renders the bounds of the minimap which is 500x500. RENDER_WIDTH and RENDER_HEIGHT are the width and height that I'm plugging into camera as viewport dimensions (1920x1080). The map is 15000x15000, so I'm dividing the ship location by 30 so that it is always in the range of 0-500. However, when I move the camera around I actually end up being able to see the ship before the minimap says I should, which is illustrated below. I'm fairly certain it's due to the zoom level of the camera, but I haven't figured out how to incorporate that other than multiplying the width and height of the display of where the camera is (the white box), by the current zoom level, which didn't work.