Note the following important identity for augmented isometric affine matrices:
cos\theta & sin\theta & -(xcos\theta + ysin\theta)\\
-sin\theta & cos\theta & -(-xsin\theta + ycos\theta)\\
0 & 0 & 1
cos\theta & -sin\theta & u\\
sin\theta & cos\theta & v\\
0 & 0 & 1\\
where the isometric condition is recognized from: \$cos^2\theta + sin^2\theta=1\$ and \$\begin{pmatrix}u\\v\end{pmatrix}\$
is the translation in world coordinates of your original transformation.
In vector terms, if you think of your original transformation as being
R & T\\
0 & 1\\
then the inverse transformation, to return to World Coordinates is simply
R^{-1} & -R^{-1}T\\
0 & 1\\
where because of isometry the inverse of R is simply the transpose of R, as noted above.
In vector form the initial identity is just
R^{-1} & -R^{-1}T\\
0 & 1\\
R & T\\
0 & 1\\
which is readily proved by multiplying out to get first
R^{-1} & -R^{-1}T\\
0 & 1\\
Rv + T\\1\\
and then reducing the left hand side as
R^{-1}Rv + R^{-1}T-R^{-1}T\\1\\
Note also that the vector form of the identity is not specific to only a 2D space, but applies to any number of spatial dimensions.