Fairly new to XNA and not an expert on C# either. So I was following a tutorial, specifically this one http://rbwhitaker.wikidot.com/texture-atlases-1, and there is a bit of code I am unfamiliar with.
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 location)
int width = Texture.Width / Columns;
int height = Texture.Height / Rows;
int row = (int)((float)currentFrame / (float)Columns);
int column = currentFrame % Columns;
Mostly all of this I am familiar with. However, the line that says
int row = (int)((float) currentFrame / (float) Columns);
This line is not familiar to me and I would appreciate if someone could explain what this does. Clearly it is designed to find out what row the program is on in the texture atlas but what how does it do that with that code? What is it calculating?