
I was able to implement the A* pathfinding algorithm to calculate a path from the enemy to player. enter image description here

After trying to do movement well, I realized I ran into all sorts of problems. I was able to add clearance to the pathfinding, so I'm now going to have sprites of variable size, which leads to even more issues.

I am currently doing movement like - path[0] is first Tile in path and it is removed when you get to it:

            if (path.Count > 0) {
                if (path[0].isTouching(this))

                            if (path [0].getCenterX() > this.getCenterX()) {
                                speedX = speed; 
                                speedY = 0;
                                System.Console.WriteLine("moving right");
                            else if (path [0].getCenterX() < this.getCenterX()) {   
                                speedX = -speed; 
                                speedY = 0; 
                                System.Console.WriteLine("moving left");

                            if (path [0].getCenterY() > this.getCenterY()) { 
                                speedX = 0; 
                                speedY = speed;
                                System.Console.WriteLine("moving down");

                            else if (path [0].getCenterY() < this.getCenterY()) {       
                                speedX = 0; 
                                speedY = -speed; 
                                System.Console.WriteLine("moving up");

                            this.move(speedX, speedY);

This doesn't work very well for a variety of reasons.

I am certain the pathfinding I implemented calculates the proper path of Tiles. Now I think I have to move from a pixel to pixel movement -> tile to tile in order to have this working better. This would probably help, right? How is movement usually done to work with A*? If the tile-based movement would aid, any tips on implementing this?

  • \$\begingroup\$ What about moving to the center of the tile (or the bottom) instead of the top-left corner? \$\endgroup\$
    – ashes999
    Commented Apr 3, 2014 at 10:55
  • \$\begingroup\$ the .getCenter() gets the center of the tile :P \$\endgroup\$
    – atkayla
    Commented Apr 3, 2014 at 18:15
  • \$\begingroup\$ I didn't read that part. Okay, nice. \$\endgroup\$
    – ashes999
    Commented Apr 3, 2014 at 19:37

2 Answers 2


If you are talking about move horizontally and vertically at a same time, the problem is not here. You are doing fine. Maybe problem belong to input module.

About A*, it's a path finding algorithm, it return series of point present the path you ask for. Movement is another problem, don't stick it with A*. The easiest way to implement moving system are storing local goal, and once you reach local goal, go to next goal in path.

int position_x, position_y;
float speed_x, speed_y;
int local_goal_x, local_goal_y;
bool stop;
void next_goal(){
    if(path.empty()){ stop = true; return;}
    local_goal_x = path[0].x;
    local_goal_y = path[0].y;
    speed_x = (local_goal_x - position_x)/10.0;
    speed_y = (local_goal_y - position_y)/10.0;
void update_moving()
    if(stop) return;
    position_x += speed_x;
    position_y += speed_y;
    if(position_x == local_goal_x && position_y == local_goal_y) next_goal();

I would do something like this:

int pixelPerFPS; // pixel per FPS
void move(int x, int y);
void update(int time)
    character.currentX += (character.goalX - character.currentX) / abs(character.goalX - character.currentX) * pixelPerFPS;
    character.currentY += (character.goalY - character.currentY) / abs(character.goalY - character.currentY) * pixelPerFPS;
    // do something
int gameStart()
    time2 = currentTime();
        deltaTime = currentTime() - time2;
        time2 = currentTime();
        // do something
        // do other thing
    return 0;

This is very simple function like an example

If you want to make it more complex and flexible, you have to take care about frame per seconds (FPS)


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