Im working with my deferred engine in XNA 4.0 and Im combining it with a forwardpipeline to support semi-transparency and other "forward only" effects.
Let me describe what I do:
- Render GBuffer and all deferred geometry based on materials
- A final composit where I combine the lightbuffer and the diffusebuffer from the GBuffer. I output color and depth to a rendertarget so I can use forward rendering to draw directly onto that RT.
- Render forward geometry
- I then take the RT from the forward pipeline and do postprocessing stuff.
- Finally I write the RT to the backbuffer
- As you can see in the image below there's a problem with the boundingboxes. The are drawn using forward rendering and is drawn using the depthbuffer I descibed in step 2. I have tried to offset the depthbuffer in different directions with a texel or two. But nothing seems to solve the problem. Has anyone experienced this problem before?
EDIT: This post has been cleaned from some statements to avoid confusion.