I'm having a hard time figuring out if I'm doing something wrong, or if there is a bug with Visual Studio.
I want to pass a float into my pixel shader, clamp it to a value, and then return it as part of the color. Here is my shader code:
float test;
float4 PixelShaderFunction(float2 texCoords:TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0
float n = clamp(test, 0, 1);
float4 color = float4(n, n, n, 1);
return color;
technique Technique1
pass Pass1
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PixelShaderFunction();
Here is how I'm using the shader:
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, null, null, null, null, simpleEffect);
spriteBatch.Draw(pixelTexture, new Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 100), Color.Red);
The shader compiles fine when Visual Studio is set to Debug mode, but when I set it to Release, it gives me the following error (Please excuse the ShaderModel3Bug
solution name... I get the same error with both shader model 2 and 3):
Error 1 Errors compiling E:\_C#\ShaderModel3Bug\ShaderModel3Bug\ShaderModel3BugContent\simple.fx:
(15,23): ID3DXEffectCompiler::CompileEffect: There was an error compiling expression
ID3DXEffectCompiler: Compilation failed E:\_C#\ShaderModel3Bug\ShaderModel3Bug\ShaderModel3BugContent\simple.fx 15 23 ShaderModel3Bug
Line 15 of the shader is this:
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PixelShaderFunction();
I have tried compiling the shader directly using fxc.exe that comes with the June 2010 DirectX SDK. Using the command fxc.exe /T fx_2_0 E:\_C#\ShaderModel3Bug\ShaderModel3Bug\ShaderModel3BugContent\simple.fx /Fc:output.fxc
, I get:
Microsoft (R) Direct3D Shader Compiler 9.29.952.3111
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2002-2009. All rights reserved.
compilation succeeded; see C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Utilities\bin\x64\output.fxc
So my question is, why can't Visual Studio compile the .fx file in Release mode? Am I doing something I shouldn't be doing?
Apparently XNA Game Studio doesn't use the latest version of fxc. I downloaded the March 2009 DirectX SDK, and the compilation fails with the same generic error message as Visual Studio:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (March 2009)\Utilities\bin\x64\ps.fx(16,23): ID3DXEffectCompiler::CompileEffect: There was an error compiling expression
ID3DXEffectCompiler: Compilation failed
compilation failed; no code produced
If I run the March 2009 version of fxc.exe with the /Op (disable preshaders) flag, it compiles successfully... I am still not sure what version of fxc xna uses, or what I need to do to get my shader to compile in release mode. Any help would be appreciated.