I'm using 3DS Max 2010 with the KW x-porter plugin, which outputs a .X file (just downloaded the very latest version).
Been getting some odd results: http://www.picvalley.net/u/2930/2265240220441812321333990933PAStFeSONWQslOrMQC5q.PNG
Looks like the culling is screwed up. Note, that models I make in Milkshape don't seem to be having these problems.
I've also tried to export an FBX file from 3DS Max 2010 and have been getting similar results.
What are your suggestions in terms of exporting *.3DS models to a workable XNA form? What tools do you use?.
To be clear, the model in question has none of these defects when viewed from similar angles in 3DS Max 2010.
Any ideas on this oddity would also be appreciated!
Edit 1 -- Add'l issue Forgot to mention, that the model otherwise seems alright, but that rotation seems to double -- in other words, when I scroll my camera view left to right, the model (whose draw I give the camera for the view and perspective matrices w/ BasicEffect seems to rotate twice as much as models I draw natively in XNA