
I hope someone can help me with this weird issue.

We have an app with AR functionality, we have been building and running on device to test and have had no issues. We then did a full build and manually installed it, also works fine with no issues, when we go into the AR scene it asks for permission of the camera and everything works as expected. We sent the build to the client with the same device and they got a black screen the first time, then we clicked on another scene and the app crashed, without the app asking for camera permission.

When we manually set it in app settings it also does not work.

Unity version is 2020.3.44f1 previous solutions as seen on this forum do not work for me.

Publishing settings are set to IL2CPP with ARM64

ARCore is ticked in project settings.

AR Foundation and AR Core are 4.1.13

Thanks in advance

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Which previous solutions did you try? Link to them please, so we don't accidentally repeat advice you've already tested and found inapplicable. \$\endgroup\$
    – DMGregory
    Commented Oct 24, 2023 at 10:57
  • \$\begingroup\$ First, you can ask the client to check the memory available (SSD or hard drive) on their device. If they don't have lots of memory available, strange behaviors can occur. Second, ask to see if the RAM available on the client's phone is large enough. If necessary, ask clients to close all other apps and only run your app to see if that works better. Lack of available RAM can cause the app to crash. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Oct 25, 2023 at 1:38

1 Answer 1

  1. You can have the different versions of Google Play Services for AR. Try to update it.
  2. Can you provide your logs from errored devide? You can use Android Logcat package by Unity.
  3. Do you have the same versions of Android on both devices? There are some issues specifically to Android 14 which were resolved in AR Foundation 5.1.5. You can also update to the latest version of AR Foundation 4. So, indicate the Phone Model and OS version, please.
  4. You can operate the Camera permission in a more controllable way than Unity provides. E.g., with Native Camera asset.

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