
I wrote this code:

var waveOrig = element.FindPropertyRelative("origin");
waveOrig.vector2Value = EditorGUI.Vector2Field(dirRect, "Point of Origin", waveOrig.vector2Value);

However, Unity logs errors because of this piece of code:

Mismatched types in SetValue UnityEditor.SerializedProperty:set_vector2Value (UnityEngine.Vector2)

Mismatched types in GetValue - return value is junk UnityEditor.SerializedProperty:get_vector2Value ()

Not sure how should I fix this, any help?

PS. "origin" element is a float2 type

  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ Are you aware that Vector2 from the Unity core API and float2 from the Mathematics package are not the same thing? \$\endgroup\$
    – Philipp
    Commented Dec 1, 2021 at 11:36

1 Answer 1


If you just want to allow a user to modify the value, you can use the generic PropertyField() to automatically use the editor's default representation for whatever field type it happens to be:

EditorGUI.PropertyField(dirRect, waveOrigin, new GUIContent("Point of Origin"));

But if you want to extract the value they set and read / modify it, then it would be useful to give yourself a couple helper methods:

public static class SerializedPropertyExtensions {
    public static Vector2 GetFloat2AsVector(this SerializedProperty property) {
        Vector2 output;
        var p = property.Copy();
        output.x = p.floatValue;
        output.y = p.floatValue;
        return output;

    public static void SetFloat2FromVector(this SerializedProperty property, Vector2 value) {        
        var p = property.Copy();
        p.floatValue = value.x;
        p.floatValue = value.y;        

Then you can work with the Vector2Field as you were trying to do:

var v = waveOrigin.GetFloat2AsVector();
v = EditorGUI.Vector2Field(dirRect, "Point of Origin", v);

Don't forget to call serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties() to commit the changes the user's made to the object's data.


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