I'm currently working on implementing A* pathfinding into a little project of mine. My ideal goal is that my game should be able to handle about 1000+ objects without any noticable impact on performance.
Right now I'm using threading to handle my pathfinding as best as I can and it's working pretty nicely but once I start to reach upwards 1000 objects it'll start eating away at my performance regardless.
How could I improve my performance further? Any tips or tricks? I'll answer questions if you need more information, and I appreciate any help you can give me :)
Here's how I handle my pathfinding:
public class Pathfinding
// Returns a Vector3 list, representing a path on the AStarGrid.
public static List<Vector3> CalculatePath(Vector3 fromPos, Vector3 toPos)
// Get a reference to the pathfinding grid.
AStarGrid grid = AStarGrid.instance;
// Get the start- and endnode.
GridNode startNode = AStarGrid.instance.GetNodeAtPosition(fromPos);
GridNode endNode = AStarGrid.instance.GetNodeAtPosition(toPos);
if(startNode == null || endNode == null || startNode == endNode)
// No need to calculate a path if the startNode or endNode is null,
// or if the endNode is already on the startNode.
return null;
// The dictionary used to pair a node together with some data so that we dont have to modify a node directly since,
// we want this function to be able to be run several times simultaneously with threads.
Dictionary<GridNode, NodeData> openNodes = new Dictionary<GridNode, NodeData>();
// A separate dictionary which couples a node with another in order to be able to retrace a path by following a nodes parents.
Dictionary<GridNode, GridNode> nodeParents = new Dictionary<GridNode, GridNode>();
// The closedNodes only need to be a HashSet since we'll only be checking if a node exists in it, nothing else.
HashSet<GridNode> closedNodes = new HashSet<GridNode>();
// Begin the search and keep searching for as long as there are open nodes or the currentNode is the endNode.
openNodes.Add(startNode, new NodeData());
GridNode currentNode;
while(openNodes.Count > 0)
currentNode = GetLowestFCostNode(openNodes);
// Check if the current node is the endNode, meaning we found our path.
if(currentNode == endNode)
// Path was found, retrace the path and return it.
return RetracePath(endNode, startNode, nodeParents);
// Loop through the current node's neighbours.
List<GridNode> neighbours = GetNeighbours(currentNode, grid);
for(int i = 0; i < neighbours.Count; i++)
GridNode neighbour = neighbours[i];
// Ignore closed nodes.
// Calculations used to determine gCost and hCost
int hDistanceFromCurrentToNeighbour = openNodes[currentNode].gCost + GetHeuristicDistance(currentNode, neighbour);
int hDistanceFromNeighbourToPathEnd = GetHeuristicDistance(neighbour, endNode);
// Check if the neighbour is already in the open set.
// Check if the gCost is lower using this path, recalculate costs and parent if it is.
if(hDistanceFromCurrentToNeighbour < openNodes[neighbour].gCost)
openNodes[neighbour].gCost = hDistanceFromCurrentToNeighbour;
openNodes[neighbour].hCost = hDistanceFromNeighbourToPathEnd;
nodeParents[neighbour] = currentNode;
// Add it to the open set along with its data, store its parent and calculate costs.
NodeData neighbourData = new NodeData();
neighbourData.gCost = hDistanceFromCurrentToNeighbour;
neighbourData.hCost = hDistanceFromNeighbourToPathEnd;
nodeParents.Add(neighbour, currentNode);
openNodes.Add(neighbour, neighbourData);
// Remove the current node from the open set and add it to the closed set instead.
// No path was found, return null.
return null;
// Retraces the path from the specified node by following its data parents which are stored in the openNodes dictionary.
static List<Vector3> RetracePath(GridNode fromNode, GridNode toNode, Dictionary<GridNode, GridNode> nodeParents)
List<Vector3> path = new List<Vector3>();
GridNode currentlyTracing = fromNode;
while(currentlyTracing != toNode && currentlyTracing != null)
currentlyTracing = nodeParents[currentlyTracing];
return path;
// Gets the heuristic distance from one node to the other.
static int GetHeuristicDistance(GridNode fromNode, GridNode toNode)
// Casting is a little faster than Mathf.RoundToInt and the nodes shouldn't be in a floated position anyway.
int dx = Mathf.Abs((int)fromNode.position.x - (int)toNode.position.x);
int dy = Mathf.Abs((int)fromNode.position.y - (int)toNode.position.y);
// The longest axis tells us how many times a node needs to move vertically.
// The difference between the longest axis and the shortest axis tells us the diagonal moves required.
// Moving vertically has a cost of 14 and moving diagonally has a cost of 10.
if(dx > dy)
return 14 * dy + 10 * (dx - dy);
return 14 * dx + 10 * (dy - dx);
// Gets the neighbouring nodes of a target node within the specified grid.
static List<GridNode> GetNeighbours(GridNode targetNode, AStarGrid grid)
List<GridNode> neighbours = new List<GridNode>();
for(int x = -1; x <= 1; x++)
for(int y = -1; y <= 1; y++)
// Skip self.
if(x == 0 && y == 0)
// Fetches the neighbour, will be null if it's out of bounds etc.
GridNode neighbour = grid.GetNodeAtPosition(new Vector3(x + targetNode.position.x, y + targetNode.position.y, 0));
if(neighbour == null || !neighbour.isWalkable)
return neighbours;
// Get the node with the lowest fCost.
// Pretty slow. Optimize using a min heap somehow maybe? Got to look into this.
static GridNode GetLowestFCostNode(Dictionary<GridNode, NodeData> openNodes)
GridNode lowestNode = null;
NodeData lowestNodeData = null;
foreach(KeyValuePair<GridNode, NodeData> pair in openNodes)
if(lowestNode == null)
lowestNode = pair.Key;
lowestNodeData = pair.Value;
if(pair.Value.fCost < lowestNodeData.fCost)
lowestNode = pair.Key;
lowestNodeData = pair.Value;
return lowestNode;
// NodeData class, in order to pair a node with data.
class NodeData
public int gCost;
public int hCost;
public int fCost
return gCost + hCost;