My root node adds a scene - GameScene - in it's _ready function:
const game_scene = preload('res://scenes/game_states/game_state.tscn')
func _ready():
var game_scene_instance = game_scene.instance()
And my GameScene, it adds my Level1 scene in it's _ready() function:
const level_1 = preload("res://scenes/stages/stage01.tscn")
func _ready():
var level_instance = level_1.instance()
In my stage01 scene, I have a Player scene that looks at input thru _unhandled_input() function, and does something based on that input.
func _unhandled_input(event):
if event.is_action_pressed('ui_down'):
print("Adding 15 points to the player's score")
But, I do not want my Player scene to receive any input. So, in my GameScene, I implemented it's _unhandled_input() function to mark every input it receives as handled.
func _unhandled_input(event):
But, if I press the 'ui_down' key on my keyboard, I still see "Adding 15 points to the player's score" printed in the console. Because I set the input as handled in the grandparent node, I thought that it wouldn't propagate downward?