In unity we can have different instances of a prefab with different properties. Unity represents the overridden property with bold characters. This works fine when manually change the value of prefab instance. But when I do it using a editor script, it do not turn bold and the property value changes to the source prefab when I play the game.
Here is an example of the code:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class editor : Editor {
public override void OnInspectorGUI(){
DrawDefaultInspector ();
testScript scrt= (testScript)target;
if (GUILayout.Button ("button")) {
using UnityEngine;
public class testScript: MonoBehaviour {
gameManager =GameObject.Find("GameManager");
gameManager.GetComponent<gameManager>().arr = new GameObject[3];
using UnityEngine;
public class gameManger:MonoBehaviour{
public GameObject[] arr;
The arr array in gamemanager class is not overridden and it changes to the source prefab value on play.
actual function called from editor script
public void assignPortalPass(){
GameObject gameManagerObj = GameObject.Find ("Game Manager");
gameManager gameManagerScript = gameManagerObj.GetComponent<gameManager> ();
Transform passed = GameObject.Find ("passed").transform;
int noOfChild = passed.childCount;
if (noOfChild != gameManagerScript.noOfPortals) {
Debug.LogError ("Check passed objects and noOfPortals (class gameManager) because both values are different");
Undo.RecordObject(gameManagerObj, "Made some changes to gameManager");
//as suggested by the answer
gameManagerScript.portalPass = new GameObject[noOfChild];
for (int i = 0; i < noOfChild; i++) {
gameManagerScript.portalPass [i] = passed.GetChild (i).gameObject;