I have a custom editor script which I have used to neatly arrange a huge group of variables into tabs. Some of these variables change in the script and it's very useful to see what they are without printing them to the console. Before I wrote my custom inspector the values would change at runtime as expected. However, after writing my custom inspector the values only update when I first click the object in the hierarchy.
How would I go about making my editor script update whenever the values change?
This is my stripped down code:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class CarEditor : Editor
private SomeScript myTarget;
private SerializedObject soTarget;
private const string tab1 = "tab1";
private const string tab2 = "tab2";
private const string tab3 = "tab3";
private SerializedProperty var1;
private SerializedProperty var2;
private SerializedProperty var3;
private void OnEnable()
myTarget= (SomeScript)target;
soTarget = new SerializedObject(target);
var1 = soTarget.FindProperty("var1");
var2 = soTarget.FindProperty("var2");
var2 = soTarget.FindProperty("var2");
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
myTarget.toolbarTab = GUILayout.Toolbar(myTarget.toolbarTab, new string[] { tab1, tab2, tab3 });
switch (myTarget.toolbarTab)
case 0:
myTarget.currentTab = tab1;
case 1:
myTarget.currentTab = tab2;
case 2:
myTarget.currentTab = tab3;
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
switch (myTarget.currentTab)
case tab1:
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(var1, true);
case tab2:
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(var2, true);
case tab3:
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(var3, true);