
I'm making an game in libGDX and I have been noticing some image tearing when camera is moving. Note that it happens only when the game is maximized and the camera x position is less than screen width and camera y position is less than screen height. Here's a GIF showing what is the problementer image description here The color errors are not the problem here, it is the GIF fault


2 Answers 2


Disabling CPU sync and enabling vsync could fix your issue.

config.useCPUSynch = false;
config.vSyncEnabled = true;

There is more discussion of this over on reddit if that doesn't work.

  • \$\begingroup\$ config.useCPUSynch doesn't exist \$\endgroup\$
    – user79822
    Commented Nov 5, 2016 at 15:23

I figured it out. It was to do with float rounding(or something to do with floats atleast). After casting them to ints it works without problems.


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