
i made a small 3D game and i just try to apply a basic sample from here : http://rbwhitaker.wikidot.com/picking for picking model by the mouse cursor. For that i use the Ray object and check if some model intersect my Ray. But i don't know why, the model object target by my cursor is always offset to the left.there is a shift difference.

enter image description here Here is the code i use.

// Update Ray cursor each frame in the Update loop function

public void UpdateRayCursor()
            Vector3 nearPoint = new Vector3(Globals.mouseState.Position.ToVector2(), 0);
            Vector3 farPoint = new Vector3(Globals.mouseState.Position.ToVector2(), 1);

            nearPoint = graphic.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Unproject(nearPoint, CameraNode.Camera.Projection, (Matrix)CameraNode.View, Matrix.Identity);
            farPoint = graphic.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Unproject(farPoint, CameraNode.Camera.Projection, (Matrix)CameraNode.View, Matrix.Identity);

            Vector3 direction = farPoint - nearPoint;

            Ray = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Ray(

// check if a model is target by the Ray

public void UpdateIntersectSceneRay()
        float? nearestDistance = 0f;
        bool findModelTarget = false;
        foreach (var bdgToCheck in ListBlocksSelectable)
            //Check if the boundingBox intersect with the ray
            var checkIntersectDistance = _mainPlayer.Ray.Intersects(bdgToCheck);
            if (checkIntersectDistance != null)
                if ((float)checkIntersectDistance < (float)nearestDistance || nearestDistance == 0)
                    nearestDistance = checkIntersectDistance;
                    _mainPlayer.ItemFocusByReticle = item;
                    findModelTarget = true;
            _mainPlayer.ItemFocusByReticle = null;


Some people have some idea why ? i use monogame library with XNA. Thank you in advance


1 Answer 1


It's ok , i finally find the solution by myself. Is because when i try to get the mouse position. It's not exactly the center of the screen which must match the player cursor. I must use like this :

Vector2 posCursor = new Vector2(
        Vector3 nearPoint = new Vector3(posCursor, 0.0f);
        Vector3 farPoint = new Vector3(posCursor, 1.0f);

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