I've got a simple state machine for handling game states which works using GameObject
s that I enable/disable in order to switch the states. Since some states can be loaded additively (such as the pause menu), I'm using a stack to manage the currently active ones.
public class GameController : MonoBehavior {
private readonly Stack<GameObject> _stateStack = new Stack<GameObject>();
public GameObject ActiveState {
get { return _stateStack.Peek(); }
public void SetState(GameObject newState, bool isAdditive = false) {
if(newState = null || newState == ActiveState)
if(!isAdditive) {
while(_stateStack.Count > 0)
public void PopState() {
var gameState = _statStack.Pop();
if(gameState != null)
Now I'd like to have a custom editor which allows me to see and set the currently top-most active state.
What I did was this:
public class GameControllerEditor : Editor {
public override void OnInspectorGUI() {
var controller = target as GameController;
if(controller == null)
var newState = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("ActiveState", controller.ActiveState,
typeof (GameObject), true) as GameObject;
if (newState != controller.ActiveState)
However, the custom editor is never visible and in the console, I see the following exception:
InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object
What does this even mean? What state? Is the stack not initialized? How does Unity instantiate MonoBehavior
s when applying a custom inspector?