So in my current project (written in Java using LWJGL / OpenGL, so GLSL for shaders) I added lighting quite a few months ago, which was already an interesting challenge, having never done something like that before. Now I did my research, and in the past few days I found absolutely nothing particularly helpful about this subject (which was really surprising, I thought this to be a much more common problem), which is why I am asking here. Anyway, after a lot of searching around and asking for help, this is what the current lighting system looks like:
Desired effect
The current lighting is somewhat neat but not good enough, as I would like it to have an additional parameter for something like light width (currently there are already color, intensity, angle, smoothness and linear + quadratic attenuation parameters).
What I would like to achieve is an effect along the lines of this ( mockup, but should make it clearer):
It sounds like such a simple thing to do and yet I can't get my head around how to do it (I thought about somehow having two different light positions and tracing lines between that or rotating the current fragment point in the fragment shader, but both seem incredibly slow and I don't even know where to start with them).
Here as requested the part of the fragment shader that's responsible for lighting:
for (int i = 0; i < numLights && i < MAX_LIGHTS; i++)
if (lightColor[i].a > 0.0 && myDepth >= minAffectedDepth[i] && myDepth <= maxAffectedDepth[i])
if (isSpotLight[i])
lightDistance = lightPosition[i] - myPos;
distance = length(lightDistance);
spotEffect = dot(normalize(spotDirection[i]), normalize(-lightDistance));
if (spotEffect > spotCosCutOff[i])
spotEffect -= spotCosCutOff[i];
spotEffect /= (1.0 - spotCosCutOff[i]);
spotEffect = pow(spotEffect, spotExponent[i]);
attenuation = spotEffect / (1.0 + linearAttenuation[i] * distance + quadraticAttenuation[i] * distance * distance);
color += attenuation * lightColor[i] * ownColor * lightColor[i].a;
color += ownColor * lightColor[i] * lightColor[i].a;
TLDR; I want to add "volumetric" lighting to my 2D project with GLSL, so a width parameter to the lighting system, which currently consists of punctual light sources (and for some reason, light sources in real life usually aren't perfectly punctual ;)).