I'm trying to mimic FindGameObjectsWithTag
with FindGameObjectsWithName
. I know using tags is faster, but I'm trying create a way to search for objects I spawn with a child object I name on instantiation through the inspector.
My goal is create multiple enemy spawners. My current spawner has a drag and drop variable for enemy prefabs. It looks for enemies tagged "ReSpawn", then checks if that length is below a value, to start spawning more. I would like to upgrade my current single spawner to still check for enemies named "ReSpawn", but then check if those respawns have a child object a name specified in the editor. This way, I can set the enemy spawners anywhere (e.g. near water, tall grass, forests, etc), and when I defeat one, the specific spawner will instantiate one of its opponents for that area.
Here is my code, so far:
var ThisSpot:String;
var Oppos : GameObject[];
var OppoCount : GameObject[];
var HowMany = 3;
var spawnSizeArea = 25;
function Start() {
StartCoroutine ("Spawn");
function Update () {
OppoCount = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Respawn");
// OppoCount = GameObject.FindWithName(ThisSpot); This is what I am trying to achieve
if(OppoCount.length < HowMany) {
StartCoroutine ("Spawn");
function Spawn() {
var length = Oppos.length-1;
var index = Mathf.Round(length*UnityEngine.Random.value);
curSpawn = Oppos[index];
var xz = Random.insideUnitCircle * spawnSizeArea;
var newPosition = Vector3(xz.x,0,xz.x)+transform.position;
yield WaitForSeconds(Random.Range(70,120));
Instantiate(curSpawn, newPosition, transform.rotation);
// Then I could use these 2 lines of code below to use multiple spawners
//var newOp : GameObject = Instantiate(curSpawn, newPosition, transform.rotation);