When you think about soldiers sitting in trenches firing at each other with a constant fire rate, you could model it by giving each soldier an x% chance to hit and eliminate one enemy soldier per shot, and repeat until one army is defeated.
double kill_chance = 0.05; // 5% chance to kill an enemy per round
int troops_A = 57; // starting strength of army A
int troops_B = 89; // starting strength of army B
// combat loop
while (troops_A > 0 && troops_B > 0) {
int losses_A = 0;
int losses_B = 0;
// army A fires
for (int i = 0; i < troops_A; i++) {
if (random() < kill_chance) losses_B++;
// army B fires
for (int i = 0; i < troops_B; i++) {
if (random() < kill_chance) losses_A++;
// remove casualties
troops_A -= losses_A;
troops_B -= losses_B;
// here would be a good place to report the combat progress to the player
// make sure no army ends up with a negative amount of soldiers
if (troops_A < 0) troops_A = 0;
if (troops_B < 0) troops_B = 0;
The function random()
in this example is expected to returns pseudoradompseudorandom floating-point values equally distributed between 0.0 and 1.0.
Keep in mind that this algorithm allows for the battle ending in a draw with both armies losing all their soldiers. This would be equivalent to the last two soldiers shooting each other and then bleeding to death. When you don't want this to happen, you could decrement the enemy troop count in the fire loop of each army instead of decimating them afterwards. This, however, would give an advantage to the army which fires first.
Yeah, war is hell.