I would like to get some opinions on whether iI should develop my game using a physics engine (farseer physicsFarseer Physics seems to be the best option) or follow the traditional tile-based method.
Quick background:
- itsIt's a college project, my first game, but have 4 years academic programming experience
- JustI just want a basic platformer with a few levels, nothing fancy
- I want a shooting mechanic, run and gun, just like contra or metal slug for example
- possiblyPossibly some simple puzzles
I have made a basic prototype with farseerFarseer, the level is hardcoded with collisions and not really tiled, more like big full-screen sized tiles, with collision bodies drawn manually along the ground and walls etc. My main problem is iI want a simple retro feel to the jumping and physics, but because itsit's a physics simulation engine its, it's going to be realistic, whereas typical in air controllable physics for platformers arentaren't realistic. I have to make a box with wheel body fixture under it to have this effect, and itsit's glitchy and doesntdoesn't feel right.
I chose to use a physics engine because iI tried the tile method initially and found it very hard to understand, the. The engine took care of alota lot things to save me time, mainly being. Being able to do slopes easily was nice and, as was the freedom to draw collision bounds wherever iI liked, rather then be restricted to a grid, which. This also gave me more freedom for art design also.
In conclusion i, I don't know which method to pick, i. I want to use a method which will beimplement this in the most straight forwardstraightforward way to implement and wont, so it won't give me a headache later on. Preferably, preferably a method which has an abundance of tutorials and resources so i dontI don't get "stuck" doing something which has been done a million times before!
Let me know i haven't provided enough information for you to help me!
Thanks in advance, Hugh.