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UPDATE: I've narrowed it down to the domain shader - the line that physically changes the output triangles' position. When I comment out this line, it solves the problem, although then I have no tessellation. Do I need to do some kind of manual depth writing after changes the position?

Domain Shader:

cbuffer cbDomainInfo
    float3 g_vEyePosition;
    float _padding;

struct PatchTess
    float flEdges[ 3 ] : SV_TessFactor;
    float flInside : SV_InsideTessFactor;

struct DomainInput
    float4 vPosition    : POSITION;
    float2 vTexcoord    : TEXCOORD0;
    float3 vNormal      : NORMAL;
    float3 vViewVec     : TEXCOORD1;
    float flAlpha       : ALPHA;

struct DomainOutput
    float4 vPosition    : SV_POSITION;
    float2 vTexcoord    : TEXCOORD0;
    float3 vNormal      : NORMAL;
    float3 vViewVec     : TEXCOORD1;
    float flAlpha       : ALPHA;

Texture2D g_texDispMap;
SamplerState g_samSampler;

[ domain( "tri" ) ]
DomainOutput DS( PatchTess input, float3 uvwCoord : SV_DomainLocation, const OutputPatch<DomainInput, 3> patch )
    DomainOutput output;
    output.vPosition = uvwCoord.x * patch[ 0 ].vPosition + uvwCoord.y * patch[ 1 ].vPosition + uvwCoord.z * patch[ 2 ].vPosition;
    output.vNormal = uvwCoord.x * patch[ 0 ].vNormal + uvwCoord.y * patch[ 1 ].vNormal + uvwCoord.z * patch[ 2 ].vNormal;
    output.vTexcoord = uvwCoord.x * patch[ 0 ].vTexcoord + uvwCoord.y * patch[ 1 ].vTexcoord + uvwCoord.z * patch[ 2 ].vTexcoord;
    output.vViewVec = uvwCoord.x * patch[ 0 ].vViewVec + uvwCoord.y * patch[ 1 ].vViewVec + uvwCoord.z * patch[ 2 ].vViewVec;
    output.flAlpha = uvwCoord.x * patch[ 0 ].flAlpha + uvwCoord.y * patch[ 1 ].flAlpha + uvwCoord.z * patch[ 2 ].flAlpha;
    output.vNormal = normalize( output.vNormal );
    float flMipInterval = 20.f;
    float flMipLevel = clamp( ( distance( output.vPosition, float4( g_vEyePosition, 1.f ) - flMipInterval ) ) / flMipInterval, 0.f, 6.f );

    float flHeightMap = g_texDispMap.SampleLevel( g_samSampler, output.vTexcoord, flMipLevel ).r;

    //TODO: Pass in height scale via cbuffer
    //This next line causes the problem:
    output.vPosition += float4( ( 20.f *( flHeightMap - 1.f ) ) * output.vNormal, 1.f );
    return output;

UPDATE: I've narrowed it down to the domain shader - the line that physically changes the output triangles' position. When I comment out this line, it solves the problem, although then I have no tessellation. Do I need to do some kind of manual depth writing after changes the position?

Domain Shader:

cbuffer cbDomainInfo
    float3 g_vEyePosition;
    float _padding;

struct PatchTess
    float flEdges[ 3 ] : SV_TessFactor;
    float flInside : SV_InsideTessFactor;

struct DomainInput
    float4 vPosition    : POSITION;
    float2 vTexcoord    : TEXCOORD0;
    float3 vNormal      : NORMAL;
    float3 vViewVec     : TEXCOORD1;
    float flAlpha       : ALPHA;

struct DomainOutput
    float4 vPosition    : SV_POSITION;
    float2 vTexcoord    : TEXCOORD0;
    float3 vNormal      : NORMAL;
    float3 vViewVec     : TEXCOORD1;
    float flAlpha       : ALPHA;

Texture2D g_texDispMap;
SamplerState g_samSampler;

[ domain( "tri" ) ]
DomainOutput DS( PatchTess input, float3 uvwCoord : SV_DomainLocation, const OutputPatch<DomainInput, 3> patch )
    DomainOutput output;
    output.vPosition = uvwCoord.x * patch[ 0 ].vPosition + uvwCoord.y * patch[ 1 ].vPosition + uvwCoord.z * patch[ 2 ].vPosition;
    output.vNormal = uvwCoord.x * patch[ 0 ].vNormal + uvwCoord.y * patch[ 1 ].vNormal + uvwCoord.z * patch[ 2 ].vNormal;
    output.vTexcoord = uvwCoord.x * patch[ 0 ].vTexcoord + uvwCoord.y * patch[ 1 ].vTexcoord + uvwCoord.z * patch[ 2 ].vTexcoord;
    output.vViewVec = uvwCoord.x * patch[ 0 ].vViewVec + uvwCoord.y * patch[ 1 ].vViewVec + uvwCoord.z * patch[ 2 ].vViewVec;
    output.flAlpha = uvwCoord.x * patch[ 0 ].flAlpha + uvwCoord.y * patch[ 1 ].flAlpha + uvwCoord.z * patch[ 2 ].flAlpha;
    output.vNormal = normalize( output.vNormal );
    float flMipInterval = 20.f;
    float flMipLevel = clamp( ( distance( output.vPosition, float4( g_vEyePosition, 1.f ) - flMipInterval ) ) / flMipInterval, 0.f, 6.f );

    float flHeightMap = g_texDispMap.SampleLevel( g_samSampler, output.vTexcoord, flMipLevel ).r;

    //TODO: Pass in height scale via cbuffer
    //This next line causes the problem:
    output.vPosition += float4( ( 20.f *( flHeightMap - 1.f ) ) * output.vNormal, 1.f );
    return output;
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DirectX depth/order render issue

I have what appears to be a depth or order rendering problem which I have never seen happen before. My terrain and water are rendered with my displacement shader, and at the moment all other models are rendered with my standard shader, and I am using deferred rendering. Now, as you can see in the images, I have a sphere that is half cut off, as though d3d thinks that the water is somehow in front of the sphere, which it is not. If I move down to water level, you can see the whole sphere. If I render the same sphere with my displacement shader, there is no problem at all. If I go into my displacement shader class, and cut out the hull and domain shader stages, then the terrain and water start to do the weird z buffer issue that the sphere is having. Is there something conceptual anyone can think of without me having to post hundreds of lines of code? However, happy to post code if needed.

Thank you

enter image description here

enter image description here