I've recently encountered a problem where I needed to blur an object that is inside another object. I've tried several methods to fix this but none of them works properly. In the screenshot below, renders have to happen in order so that the shape is preserved but the middle portion is blurred.
My current setup is this: 3 Cameras each rendering different objects (one object per camera), the white one below is actually a depth mask and only the camera that renders it is clearing the depth mask. The others aren't clearing anything.
When I apply a blur mask on the camera that has the middle portion (Object in the blurmask layer), everything else gets blurred too (there's a background off screen which shouldn't get blurred, that's the reason for Vuforia tag). How do I solve this? Frankly, I'm absolutely stumped at this point and willing to try anything (comments are welcome too).
This is what I have right now (The longer cylinder had a depth-shader in its material which clears any 3D object parts behind it):