A XNA model contains Meshes which contains MeshParts which contains the Vertex buffer and Index buffer. You have to construct the triangles from these if you want to check collisions on them. You should not do this per frame of course but at at initialization and store a Triangle list for later usage.
foreach(ModelMesh mesh in MyModel.Meshes){
Matrix transform = CreateTransform(mesh.ParentBone);
foreach (ModelMeshPart meshPart in mesh.MeshParts)
ExtractMeshPart(meshPart, transform);
Meshes has it's on Transformation space, there isn't ONE model space all vertices are located in. You create the current mesh space by going through the bone structure and build a matrix. This is used later when transforming the vertex positions to world space.
Matrix CreateTransform(ModelBone bone)
if (bone == null)
return Matrix.Identity;
return bone.Transform * CreateTransform(bone.Parent);
Before filling up your triangles and storing them away we need to transform the vertices from model space to world space. We use the transform we created earlier (but I haven't gone in to yet).
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i+= 3)
CollisionTriangle triangle = new CollisionTriangle();
triangle.v[0] = allVertex[indices[i]];
triangle.v[1] = allVertex[indices[i + 1]];
triangle.v[2] = allVertex[indices[i + 2]];
Now we have a triangle list to check collisions on each frame! (or rather after X frames for optimizations)
For each unit that's moving, go trough all triangles check if it's position is within the three vertices.
If so create a plane from the triangle and do a ray vs plane collision check, the unit should be placed at the intersection point.
foreach(RTSUnit unit in Unitlist)
foreach(CollisionTriangle tri in triangles)
if(InsideTriangle(unit.Position, tri))
Vector3 rayStartPos = unit.Position + Vector.Unity * 100;
Ray ray = new Ray(rayStartPos , -Vector3.UnitY);
Plane plane = new Plane(tri.v[0], tri.v[1], tri.v[2]);
float? intersectDist = ray.Intersection(plane);
if(intersectDist != null)
unit.Position = ray.Position + ray.Direction * intersectDist;
We start the ray from a bit up in the air to make sure we hit the ground even if moving up a slope. If there's an intersection intersectDist will tell us how far away from the rayStartPos the point is. That's where the ground is!
The way we check if the point is inside or not is by measuring the angles to the vertices from the point. If the combined angles are roughly 360 degrees then it's inside, otherwise it's not.
bool InsideTriangle(Vector pos, CollisionTriangle tri)
Vector3 vec1 = Vector3.Subtract(tri.v[0], pos);
Vector3 vec2 = Vector3.Subtract(tri.v[1], pos);
double dotV = Vector2.Dot(vec1, vec2);
double angle = (float)Math.Acos(dotV);
vec1 = Vector3.Subtract(tri.v[1], pos);
vec2 = Vector3.Subtract(tri.v[2], pos);
double dotV = Vector2.Dot(vec1, vec2);
double angle = (float)Math.Acos(dotV);
vec1 = Vector3.Subtract(tri.v[2], pos);
vec2 = Vector3.Subtract(tri.v[0], pos);
double dotV = Vector3.Dot(vec1, vec2);
double angle = (float)Math.Acos(dotV);
float tolerance = 0.001f;
if(angle > (Math.PI * 2) - tolerance)
return true;
return false;
We need to add a tolerance to the check because of float precision, angle is never going to be exactly 360.
That should be it! But please note that depending on terrain mesh detail, size and number of units this could be really slow. So if you are going with this solution I recommend having a collision mesh. Meaning a simpler mesh than what's being rendered. It should be as low poly as possible. Also you might want to split up the terrain mesh in smaller pieces so each unit doesn't have to check a huge triangle list each time.
Disclaimer, I wrote this here, the code has never been compiled so I suspect a few typos but you should be able to figure it out I think.