In Unity 2D:
I have a Tile class, PlayerTileTray class, PlayerTileTrayManager class and a TileManager class.
TileManager creates a List and adds elements to the list, setting the Tile variables.
TileManager has a Deal Method with an OnTileSent(Tile sentTile) event that sends the top tile as a parameter.
PlayerTileTrayManager listens to the event using the OnTileSent Method.
PlayerTileTrayManager's job is to take that tileSent and place it in one of several _trays in a PlaceTileInFirstEmptySlotOfTrays method.
I am currently using an array of trays called _tray[].
If an next element of the _tray array is null, I Instantiate a gameObject Prefab representing the tray and add a PlayerTileTray instance to the prefab as _tray[trayIndex].
The PlayerTileTray has an array of bools,slotFull[], to show whether a slot is full.
In the PlayerTileTrayManager: I loop through _tray and then slots of that tray to call the UpdateTrayWithTile method of PlayerTileTray UpdateTrayWiltTile adds the tile to a List in _tray, then trys to update the _tray bool variables emptyTray, fullTray and slotFull[].
The main problem I am having
I am currently using a nested for loop. I have tried do while loops.
The first bool element slotFull[0] never gets set to true despite how I try to make it true. When the first tile is dealt, slotFull[0] stays false. When the second tile is dealt both slotFull[0] and slotFull[1] are true;
The results of everything else is achieved or will be if I can fix the first element
of slotFull updating properly..
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class TileManager :MonoBehaviour
//For testing
private int _topTile = 0;
private List<Tile> _fullStackTiles = new List<Tile>();
private static int _stockTileCount = 16;
private static int _numberOfTileSets = 4;
public int tilesToDeal = 1;
public static Dictionary <string,Tile> stockTiles = new Dictionary <string,Tile>();
public static List<Tile> shuffledTiles = new List<Tile>() ;
public static int maxTiles = _numberOfTileSets * _stockTileCount;
/ **Singleton Stuff and Delegate,Event and Publisher Method removed for Brevity */
void Awake(){
_instance = this; // <--Singleton
void Start(){
AssignTiles ();
shuffledTiles = _fullStackTiles;
//Shuffle is located in MyExtensions
void AssignTiles(){/* Method Contents removed for Brevity */ }
void createFullStackWithSetOf(int numSets){
//Create a stack of tiles with _numOfTileSets of stockTiles
foreach(KeyValuePair<string,Tile> t in stockTiles){
for(int i = 0; i < numSets; i++)
public void Deal(int numIilesToDeal){
for(int i = 0; i < numIilesToDeal; i++){
//TileSend method is near the beginning of this script in the Delegate #region
//TileSend (shuffledTiles[_topTile]);
//create node for instantiated tile
//insert tile into Node
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class PlayerTileTrayManager : MonoBehaviour {
private static int _maxNumberOfTrays = TileManager.maxTiles / PlayerTileTray.trayMax;
private List<Tile> _playerTiles = new List<Tile>();
private GameObject _tilePrefab;
private PlayerTileTray[] _tray = new PlayerTileTray[8];
public Tile tileFromDraw;
public GameObject TrayPrefab;
List <GameObject> _trayObject = new List<GameObject>();
void OnEnable(){
TileManager.Instance.TileSent += OnTileSent;
void OnDisable(){
TileManager.Instance.TileSent -= OnTileSent;
void OnTileSent(object source, Tile tileSent){
_playerTiles.Add (tileSent);
PlaceTileInFirstEmptySlotOfTrays (tileSent);
GameObject go = PrefabMap.Instance.GetValueByKey(tileSent.tileName);
Instantiate (go,,Quaternion.identity);
//move _tilePrefab to childLocation
void PlaceTileInFirstEmptySlotOfTrays(Tile placeTile)
for(int trayIndex = 0;trayIndex < _maxNumberOfTrays;trayIndex++){
//for(int slotIndex = 0; slotIndex < PlayerTileTray.trayMax; slotIndex ++)
int slotIndex = 0;
if(_tray[trayIndex] == null)
_trayObject.Add (Instantiate (TrayPrefab,, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject);
_tray[trayIndex] = _trayObject[trayIndex].GetComponent<PlayerTileTray>();
if (!_tray[trayIndex].fullTray)
Debug.Log (placeTile.tileName + "was placed in the " + trayIndex + " trayIndex iteration and in the " +
slotIndex + " slotIndex iteration.");
}while(slotIndex < PlayerTileTray.trayMax);
public void showHand(){/* Not relevant to the Question*/ }
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class PlayerTileTray :MonoBehaviour{
public static int trayMax = 8;
public bool[] fullSlot;
public bool fullTray;
public bool emptyTray;
public Tile tileFromTrayManager;
public List<Tile> tilesInTray = new List<Tile>();
public PlayerTileTray(){
fullSlot = new bool[trayMax];
fullTray = false;
emptyTray = true;
void Start(){
for(int i = 0; i < trayMax; i++)
fullSlot[i] = false;
public void UpdateTrayWithTile(Tile tileToTray){
tilesInTray.Add (tileToTray);
for (int i = 0; i < tilesInTray.Count; i++)
fullSlot[i] = true;
if(tilesInTray.Count >= 0)
emptyTray = false;
if(tilesInTray.Count >= 8)
fullTray = true;