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jhocking's user avatar
jhocking's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years
  • Last seen more than a week ago
2 votes

3D game with Pre-rendered background

0 votes

Unity: how do I edit a second scene when my objects are still in the first?

3 votes

(Unity) Is there a way to automatically create a material for each texture and assign the texture to it?

1 vote

How do I keep my orbiting camera upright?

5 votes

How to customize a character with new objects (clothes, body parts) in a 3D game?

0 votes

Unity2D: Automatic scaling of camera and sprites

3 votes

How to create a ladder script in Unity

4 votes

How to change mobile device screen size in Unity for testing?

2 votes

Unable to use Maya animation with scripts when imported to Unity

9 votes

What is the relationship between Frames-Per-Second and a game loop?

0 votes

How to move an object to a position?

0 votes

Using Smaller Textures in Unity on Older/Smaller devices

1 vote

Cube goes through objects

0 votes

Getcomponent(), GameObject, and Component issues

1 vote

Getting warning after importing plugin to unity5 project

5 votes

How to Incorporate two loops: One for Turn Based Gameplay, and another for ongoing actions

1 vote

Changing FPSInputController controls through script

2 votes

Does Unity 3d cost money?

2 votes

Rotating an object continously with OnMouseDown

6 votes

Play vs. PlayOneShot

6 votes

How can I avoid tight script coupling in Unity?

1 vote

2D game with angled top-down camera perspective

0 votes

Refer to a gameobject on start

1 vote

Unity import text or json

2 votes

Unity can't build AssetBundle for iOS

1 vote

Unity 4.6 UI Replace Images on selection in List of buttons[i]

1 vote

Control animation using animator control class

1 vote

Will changing the scale of objects in Unity have adverse effects?

1 vote

Should I use textures that are the size of the object?

1 vote

how can I put an array of objects into a script?

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