6 votes

Unresolved external symbol _glad_XXX

You probably figured this out already, but just in case you haven't - the GLAD library has both a header file and a source file. So you'll need to add that source file (glad.c) to your project as well ...
Mark DeLoura's user avatar
5 votes

How to install game with dependencies on Linux?

Standalone game For Linux, SDL suggests to download the source code, compile it, and include the relevant files as part of your game. The main information can be found on the official site SDL2 - ...
Tom Tsagkatos's user avatar
4 votes

What is the difference between OpenGL, SDL, DirectX, GLFW, GLUE?

Both OpenGL and DirectX are APIs. They serve as an interface between the GPU and the programming language. GLFW, GLUE, and SDL (not SLD) are both frameworks with different goals. GLFW and GLUE is just ...
Bálint's user avatar
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4 votes

Why does my machine render OpenGL using my onboard chipset instead of my graphics card?

For Windows and GLFW - You can compile glfw library by yourself and add to cmake GLFW_USE_HYBRID_HPG option. More info here - Compiling GLFW
ShatterFry's user avatar
3 votes

Getting error when following learnopengl.com "Hello Window" Tutorial; how can I fix them?

TL;DR: #define GLFW_INCLUDE_NONE before including GLFW, or include glad bfore including glfw. When you get these errors, the first thing to do is search for where ...
Jimmy's user avatar
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3 votes

How to improve my input handling in GLFW?

Similar to Tyyppi_77's answer, I also normally opt for a map-based approach. However, I prefer to use a map similar to the one shown below: ...
DingusKhan's user avatar
3 votes

How to calculate fps in GLFW?

You can get the amount of milliseconds passed between 2 render calls by storing the time the last render happened and subtracting it from the current time. Then you can get the exact fps count by ...
Bálint's user avatar
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3 votes

Wrong FPS calculations in GLFW game

The issue is that you calculate the FPS according to a single measurement, which means that any slight variation will cause a significant shift in results. Since the actual loop time varies due to ...
nihohit's user avatar
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3 votes

Python GLFW and PyOpenGL: How to update a VBO from a thread while rendering at the same time

If you want to be able to read and write buffers while they're being used, you can use "persistently-mapped buffers". Be aware that by using them, you will become responsible for handling ...
the_Demongod's user avatar
2 votes

Setting Window Icon Using GLFW (LWJGL 3)

I have found an answer!!! After searching far and wide through the depths of the internet, I have found the following method. It works perfectly! ...
Hello World's user avatar
2 votes

Some OpenGL code not working, but some is

Thats because glBegin, glVertex2f and glColor3f are legacy functions which are deprecated. ...
tkausl's user avatar
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2 votes

Should I link GLFW and GLEW into my engine directly?

This would depend on whether your game uses direct calls to the bindings or not. So if your library deals with all low level stuff itself, you build it, link to your game and you are good to go, no ...
Russoul's user avatar
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2 votes

OpenGL nothing being drawn to screen

It looks like you're trying to draw a 40x40 pixel aqua colored square at (0.0, 0.0, 0.5), is that right? OpenGL producing no output is probably the most common symptom you'll run into. I immediately ...
user1118321's user avatar
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2 votes

How does glfw handle input in terms of implementation?

First of all, GLFW is not a OpenGL framework but a OpenGL applications framework. It's basically a set of libraries and source files which facilitate you the task of build applications. This layer of ...
Wikiti's user avatar
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2 votes

Unintended stuttering when moving camera

The problem is caused by a delay in the frequency of poll calls to the GLFW key callback function. Changing the code so that the callback function updates some global booleans Like this: ...
Makogan's user avatar
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2 votes

GLFW shift key not behvaing like other keys

You can use glfwGetKey (call it each tick). if(glfwGetKey(p_window, GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT) == GLFW_PRESS)
galaxy001's user avatar
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2 votes

Problem with rotation a camera with the mouse OPENGL GLFW

I fix my bug,it was in the implementation of my lookAt function : ...
Soof Benzaii's user avatar
2 votes

How can I tell in code if vsync is disabled on desktop PC?

I couldn't locate anything directly in GLFW that for checking the status of vsync. According to the official OpenGL spec on swap intervals, swap interval access is provided via platform-specific ...
Pikalek's user avatar
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2 votes

OpenGL 2D Game Render Help

I fixed the issue. The problem was this: I programmed a converter in CSharp that took the image and outputted all of its pixels as raw RGBA data which my program read from, in the converter's for ...
WolfHybrid23's user avatar
2 votes

How to render in a imGui Window

Move these lines inside the while loop. ...
Guest's user avatar
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2 votes

Stuttery camera with mouse movement

Rotation should not depend on frame time at all, but only on the mouse delta. If I take out the frame time out of equation, it works as expected.
Karlovsky120's user avatar
2 votes

Force even window dimensions

Here are the problems I can think of: If you wish to support resizing, this may be extra trouble. But you can fix the window size when the user stops dragging. On Unix desktops, tiling window ...
Kevin Reid's user avatar
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2 votes

How to install game with dependencies on Linux?

AppImage A possible cross-distro solution is to use AppImage format, which allows to easily bundle all your resources and dependencies into a single directly executable file needing no installation. ...
val - disappointed in SE's user avatar
1 vote

How to abstract GLFW from my rendering library?

There are a few options: Opaque data types. In your mylibrary.h file, you would declare a synonym for void* that is published ...
user1118321's user avatar
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1 vote

Getting choppy, jumpy animation

Not sure what happens in your player->move() but it seems the problem is your wait logic setting the x and y movement to 0. This will make the player stop until ...
George Hanna's user avatar

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