42 votes

For a custom game engines, what should I do if my core data is malformed or missing?

Log an error and gracefully exit. Ideally, display a human readable error on screen as well. There should be a core pipeline of hard coded functionality that operates without these data files. It's ...
House's user avatar
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11 votes

For a custom game engines, what should I do if my core data is malformed or missing?

Byte56 mentioned one option. There is at least one other: Assume default values and display a Warning. Depending on the nature of your data, it might be perfectly acceptable to assume some default ...
Octopus's user avatar
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6 votes

For a custom game engines, what should I do if my core data is malformed or missing?

It depends on whether this happens during development or release. During development, you will have all kinds missing things, errors, and mess-ups, constantly, all the time, and you may even want to &...
Damon's user avatar
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4 votes

Should game data be encoded in configuration files, given that it will almost always contain logic?

A game or an engine If you were making a game, then you write the code for each case in your game. Then the configuration only needs to specify which of the possibilities it uses. Which seems to be ...
Theraot's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it still possible to set default script template for Unity Mac?

I suppose you installed your Unity Editor via Unity Hub, and if yes, then the path has changed to this ...
Rus's user avatar
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2 votes

How to fit game to screen size?

Many thanks to the DMGregory for help in this matter The problem was that I have a script which manipulate with camera.rect: ...
1 vote

Should game data be encoded in configuration files, given that it will almost always contain logic?

Only externalize if you solve a problem with it Configuration files and similar external resources are an option which should be used if the benefits outweigh the costs. Generally speaking I would ...
Falco's user avatar
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1 vote

Should game data be encoded in configuration files, given that it will almost always contain logic?

Moving game data into config files has several advantages: You can edit these files without having to recompile the game. Which can, depending on your technology stack and the scope of your game, ...
Philipp's user avatar
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1 vote

How to pre-configure a prefab in the editor for multiple similar buttons before instantiating them

You can do that with prefab variants. A prefab variant is a prefab which inherits most of its properties from another prefab. Create your basic button Turn it into a prefab by dragging it from the ...
Philipp's user avatar
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