Questions tagged [prototyping]

The practice of building an early-stage sample or model to test a concept or process or to be replicated.

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Next steps for students' project

I teach a basic course on game development, in which students design a game idea and write a digital prototype in Unity - about 5 minutes demonstrating the main idea and gameplay. Some of the teams ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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Use ARCore to detect marker and show information

I'm new to AR, and am trying to use Google's ARCore to build a simple AR prototype. Basically if a logo is detected, I like to place some real-time charts or text information on the screen. Similar to ...
Mary's user avatar
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Browser sandbox for object interaction testing

I’m looking for a sandbox where I can upload/import STL or OBJ files (rigid bodies that I can export from a CAD software) for quick interaction testing with gravity and contact. The idea is lowest ...
jsejcksn's user avatar
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