Questions tagged [perspective]

An approximate representation, on a flat surface, of an image as it is seen by the eye.

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18 votes
5 answers

Examples of faking 3D

Does anyone know of any good examples of 3D being faked in 2D (not necessarily code, but games I could look up)? The player has the perspective that they are going 'into' the screen and things are ...
XSL's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How can I draw a perspective-correct quad?

I'm trying to draw a quad in 2D (in SharpDX, but that is basically XNA). But texture correction is not working, and I'm getting only an affine textured quad. I'm using ...
SmartK8's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Matrix for 2D perspective

I'm trying to determine whether what I'm attempting to achieve is even possible mathematically. I'm obviously not a seasoned game developer so I'm having trouble even coming up with the terminology to ...
me--'s user avatar
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1 answer

How to do perspective projection “parallax” but without changing the scale or offset of objects?

Hello everyone I have this problem that I have tried everything I could think of. The problem: I am making a 2D game with parallax effect but I am using 3d space so am not simulating the parallax but ...
user2017987's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to place a camera so that it always fits a plane?

I have a plane that can get its scale changed during the game, and I want to make the camera view it completely every time the plane has its scale changed. The only camera is set to perspective ...
silviubogan's user avatar
36 votes
2 answers

What is the view perspective angle of most 2.5D isometric games [closed]

I examined several quite popular games to determine what perspective angle they are using. For the purpose I created a grid that is 45 and 60 degrees isometric viewed and put it onto a screenshot (of ...
Martin Asenov's user avatar
16 votes
6 answers

An object twice as close appears twice as big?

So I was thinking about creating a 2D game where you can also move along the Z-axis, by changing in which layer you are. Depending on the depth I want to scale my 2D sprites. Once, someone had shown ...
Berry's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Cursor position to a 3D ray using angles

I've been stuck for a month trying to get gluUnProject working. After my attempts to use gluUnProject failed (as well as attempts to implement gluUnProject functionality manually) I implemented method ...
mioe's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Why are there different ways of building projection matrices?

Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH documentation page says that this method uses the following formula to build a perspective projection matrix. ...
frkn's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Getting ray using gluUnProject or inverted MVP matrix

I've read a lot of topics here, on SO, etc. Example how gluUnProject should work (from NeHe tutorial): ...
mioe's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

View "distortion" or "stretching" when looking up/down? (Software renderer)

I'm not sure distortion is the right way to describe this. I've uploaded a video to show you guys. Apologies if it's long, but I wanted to show the code as well as posting it here.
vexe's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Are there any math limitations on the near plane in a perspective matrix?

I've noted that if in the perspective camera I put near plane to a low number like 0.000001 and far plane to 1000 my render has ...
nkint's user avatar
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