Questions tagged [maps]

A visual representation of a geographic region, showing physical features.

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Libgdx shaperender within a circle as limitter

I encountered a problem, where my small entities would be rendered out of the bounds of my radar. At the time I solved it like this: ensure, that the object would be within the circle, but, that's ...
Keey's user avatar
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How to create a dynamic Map in Unity (Augmented Reality)

I created a dynamic map with a LineRenderer. The LineRenderer gets a new position assigned, for each movement my 'character' does. It works good, but I expect it to get a really bad performance at ...
TobiasW's user avatar
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4 answers

How to draw a Minecraft-like world with Open GL

I recently completed the this Open GL tutorial. The tutorial shows how to set up a window and shaders, and teaches you how to draw a single cube in the middle of the screen, which all makes sense to ...
Jack Maloney's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How can I generate a (relatively) linear dungeon path?

We developing a concept for an action side-scroller. What we need is a way to generate a (relatively) straight map. By this I mean something like... It's clear to see that this map follows one simple ...
user2444503's user avatar
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1 answer

Random layout rooms with intersecting walls

I am trying to layout few rectangle rooms on un unlimited map. The main condition is that every next room has to intersect with one of already placed with at least one point of the wall. The number, ...
Olya  Kusaeva's user avatar
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Map generation, issues with midpoint displacement algorithm

I'm trying to generate an endless 2d terrain. So the terrain isn't random per say as the random function I'm using is a hash based on an X,Y coordinate. ...
Justin808's user avatar
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0 answers

3D Level Navigation Map for a 2D Mobile Game

I am currently making a game in which I want to create a level screen map. The Map doesn’t have to do anything with the game logic and stuff but I just want to add it to include a bit of richness. ...
Adnan Nazir's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Levels Map terminology

I wonder if this thing exists and how is it called? What I mean is not "level editor", but a kind of cover map, where you select, which level you want to play and your character symbol moves to the ...
shal's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Java map creation

So Im making a topdown 2d rpg in slick2d and lwjgl 2, and I wanna make a map, but not just random map, something like this: The blue stuff is water and rivers, the gray in the middle is "the ...
Ivan Jerza's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Efficient datastructure to store a galaxy map

I'm working on a project for an intro level Ai class, and the project I've closen is to create a simulated universe in which Ai actors play against each other economically and militarily. I have the ...
Systemsfailed's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Board like strategy map

I want to make a strategy game like Risk. I want to use C# for the mechanics and Unity for the graphics. My problem is that I don't know how to create the map itself and integrate it with C#. I don'...
Celso's user avatar
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1 answer

Efficiently transforming a series of points into curves to be serialized

I’m working on a video game where I need to display a map (in 2D) of an actual big European city (Paris, London, Madrid… that kind of big) and the player, displayed as a simple dot on the map, can ...
lvictorino's user avatar
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1 answer

How can use a 3D map with 2D characters (Unity)? [closed]

I tried to search something about it but I can't find any complete or well-explained tutorials about how to use a 3D map with 2D characters and items, like Ragnarok or Final Fantasy Tactics. If there ...
Striter Alfa's user avatar
2 votes
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Hex axial coordinates to table coordinates conversion

I am developing a browser game based on a hex map. I am storing my data based on axial coordinates system. I developed a function which shows me axial coordinates of hexes within ...
Abdel5's user avatar
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2 answers

Finding the scale of pixels in map with given dimensions

For the game I am making, I have textures for planets. Each texture has a size of 2048 x 1024 pixels. I also know the size, thus the diameter, of each planet. Not every planet is the same size, you ...
marcus_s's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Embed a real city in a game and use data to find and display paths [closed]

First of all this question is gigantic but it's mainly about Unity, maps, pathfinding, and real data. The problem. In my game the player sees the map of a real city (in 2D), it’s exactly the same ...
lvictorino's user avatar
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1 answer

How to write a custom map canvas and project coordinates on it? [closed]

I am writing a game with Objective C ( xcode ) and I need to use the users location service to mark their position on a map but since I need to create my own map component, I am not able to use the ...
Rassam's user avatar
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Climate / weather generation on 3d hex map

I am working on 3d hex map game. I am aiming to dynamical generate map (as new players joins). To make the map realistic I am looking for some climate/weather models which possibly I could use so that ...
Abdel5's user avatar
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3 answers

Löve2D: Making a random map/city generator [closed]

So I'm making a game using love2d where the player will find himself in an zombie infested city but I don't want the city/map to be just the same all the time, so I want to create a random map/city ...
Louie's user avatar
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3 answers

How to design programatically a game map like Risk?

I'm making a quiz-game based on map territories with a system similar to the Risk game (except there are no tanks but tickets). The map isn't the world but a custom map that I designed and I'll ...
user1714647's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Linking maps in Java game

In my Java game, I've got a number of randomly-generated maps made of tiles. I'm struggling with writing the code to handle the entering/exiting of the maps. Originally, I only had Ascend and Descend....
Jake's user avatar
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1 answer

1D Terrain Generation in Java

Not able to implement Perlin Noise for 1D Random Terrain Generation. I've tried everywhere and I cannot find anything useful, sure I sort of understand Perlin Noise but everytime I try it nothing ...
Seeocon's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to increase the number of available chapters for an HL2: EP2 mod?

I created a mod for Half-Life 2: Episode 2 that has 39 chapters (or maps, here it is the same). The problem is that the game seems to see only 32: when clicking "new game", and clicking next,...
TheExploptimist's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How to reference a map position in code?

I'm coding a digital version of the Macao board game which has a flat map similar to below. Players have a "ship" which starts in the blue box and can follow the dashed lines in any direction/...
Atilla Jax's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Making a zoom out/in space map in Unity

I'm new to unity, I was wondering how would one go into implementing a dynamic 2d space map. Let me give you an example what i mean. You see our solar system on the map, if you zoom out at a treshold ...
Zoneh's user avatar
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2 answers

Map coordinates system [closed]

I am planning to implement in my game a very big map. I won't be showing all map at once but rather only a selected part of it. Additionally, I would need to connect hexes into bigger pieces (...
Abdel5's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Shadow mapping bone animated model

I am trying to get shadowmapping right for my animated models. It works perfectly for static meshes but the animated models are just wiggeling a bit here's the vertex shader for rendering to the ...
rudy's user avatar
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1 answer

How to read a custom map format [closed]

I am trying to create a custom map format for my own little 2D RPG, so my question is rather how do I manage reading and creating a custom map format properly and flexible. First off, I am writing my ...
Thyrrac's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I store additional attributes on DCEL edges?

I am currently working on a city generator, and I've ran into some issues with data storage while working on the roads. I currently use a doubly-connected edge list (DCEL for short), to store the road ...
user975989's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Libgdx, tiled map - how to reload layer?

In the simple platform game I'm making, when player collects coin, its cell is set to null. Is it possible to recover all cells from layer "coins" after player dies?...
urban07's user avatar
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1 answer

How to draw the simplest grid map OpenGL 1.0 [closed]

I want to draw a simple black & white grid map, like that: I have been searching for a way to generate tile, a tile map and tho and I want to draw this map and thats all. I mean that I want to ...
Hanan Yahimoviz's user avatar
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Zoom to Mouse on a Globe using a Perspective Projection

I am trying to create a strategy game that takes place on a globe (i.e. a textured sphere). I would like to be able to zoom to mouse like on google maps. My camera always points towards the center of ...
Josh's user avatar
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1 answer

maps in a multiplayer diablo clone - unity3d

I'm messing around with unity3d free, trying to figure out if i can get away with using its readymade graphic engine. I have some problems figuring out how maps should be implemented/handled (the ...
strzelecki.maciek's user avatar
1 vote
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How to draw a mini map OpenGL & OpenGL ES?

I'm trying to draw a mini map. Succeeded to put current screen to smaller screen (mini map) via FBO. But I do not know how to make the mini screen brighter when hover. You can imagine that, the real ...
LongLT's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Easiest way to make a 3D overworld [closed]

Using something like Blender, would it be easier and more time and space efficient to create 'tiles', and use some kind of software like Tiled to use these tiles in the various maps, or would it be ...
quadrupleslap's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How should I store a city map on disk?

I'm working on a game where players travel in a city. This city is defined by streets (names, positions...), points of interest (cinemas, restaurants...) and different zones (high criminality zones, ...
lvictorino's user avatar
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3 answers

Logic level representation that distinguishes "<<under>> and <<above>> the bridge"

I have an logic level/map representation for a 3D game that uses vector<Area> where: ...
PolGraphic's user avatar
18 votes
5 answers

How can I detect connected (but logically distinct) bodies of water in a 2D map?

I have a 2D hexagonal grid map. Each hex cell has a height value used to determine if it's water or ocean. I'm trying to think of a good way to determine and label bodies of water. Oceans and inland ...
Kaelan Cooter's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a reason to keep maps in memory?

I've noticed for a long time that games (mostly FPSes) do not unload the map when the user has finished with it (aka, disconnecting from servers, server changing maps). The result of this is that the ...
AStopher's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I choose where to position a mini-map in the HUD? [closed]

In a game with a minimap, what factors should be considered when choosing where to put the minimap on the screen HUD? What choices are typically made when wanting to emphasize a particular factor?
John Demetriou's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How do I make a scrolling map within an HTML5 canvas?

My project is a 2D tactics game with a square grid. It's all HTML5/Javascript/JQuery. I have been able to draw out the grid and have a system where I can load different maps with tiles where units ...
Cluny's user avatar
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OpenGL Bump Map -- Texture artifacts ?

I am learning OpenGL (and learning the math behind it) and I'm making a simple OBJ viewer, nothing fancy. I have diffuse, specular and ambient light/texture working fine and now I am implementing the ...
rXp's user avatar
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ID3D11DeviceContext Map/Unmap bottleneck

I maintain a small rendering engine that displays models in Direct3D 9. I'm currently migrating this to Direct3D 11, and I've hit a snag in how I display points on the model. Using a sphere mesh, I ...
Jason Tyler's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I create a custom "Google Maps" visualisation from game map images?

I am attempting to create the equivalent of a Google Maps map for a private Ultima Online server, with a custom map replacing the default map. I'd like to allow players to pin important locations on ...
1John5vs7's user avatar
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Data structure to store map layers in each Tile while keeping the order of terrain, items and monsters intact

My game represents its map as a 2D array of tiles, each of which stores a stack of layers. I'm looking for a data structure to efficiently represent this . I want to be able to add layers dynamically,...
Mystra007's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What are the most common ways of closing an open world? [closed]

In many open world games, there are several ways to limit them. From original ones such as Desynchronisation(Assasins' Creed) to invisible walls. What are the most common ways to close open worlds?
user2977079's user avatar
3 votes
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Phaser / PIXI: World size vs. Stage size

I am using Phaser to build a zoomable / pannable 2D map with the intended functionality being that the home camera position is always in the middle of the World coordinates. I have a problem where my ...
PAINKILLER's user avatar
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2 answers

Quick algorithm to identify undrawn rectangles inside a map

I already have a working algorithm for this but it's home-made and there is some redundancy in the things it checks, so I'm looking for a fast algorithm (or the name of it) that would detect undrawn ...
the_yellow_logo's user avatar
2 votes
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Hexagonal Game Board Modal?

Tile-based games like Chess have a simple modal: an array of arrays, each coordinate with an X and a Y value. This is easy to implement, and it is easy to figure out what is going on. Chess Board ...
erdekhayser's user avatar
-2 votes
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Are random generated mazes a nuisance? [closed]

To me, random generated maps such as in Diablo2 were often a nuisance. Many times, you find yourself in a dead end and have to find another way. However, Diablo2 became a very popular and addictive ...
fabigler's user avatar

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