Questions tagged [isometric]

A specific 3D perspective technically defined as having all 3 axes being exactly 120 degrees apart. In early video games, it is often slightly off to account for smoother pixel lines.

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2 answers

Javascript Isometric draw optimization

I'm having trouble with isometric tiles drawing. At the moment I got an array with the tiles i want to draw. And it all works fine until i increase the size of the array. Since I draw ALL tiles on ...
justanotherhobbyist's user avatar
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Isometric 3d collision detection [duplicate]

I'm making an isometric map for a game, I can draw it, but I don't know how to implement a sort of 3d collision detection without Threejs or other 3d library. It is possible? Maybe make the block an ...
Beppe's user avatar
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Isometric Mouse Camera Panning

I am building an isometric game environemnt and i want to be able to pan the camera around the map by holding the right mouse button, can someone talk me through the logic for this please, i have made ...
Random_Guy_a's user avatar
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Isometric tiles math for 4:3 ratio (64 x 48 pixels)

I've read and tested the code from this article,, and also from this Isometric rendering and picking? and I can get the math and tile picking to work ...
share's user avatar
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Create an 2d Isometric map with tiles?

I'm creating a 2D Tower Defense game and I want it to be isometric. I'm creating it on the XZ plane in Unity(3D mode). I need the map to be based on tiles so I can seperate the monsters' path and the ...
Frans Bergström's user avatar
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How can I mimic an isometric perspective using square tiles?

Can an isometric perspective be mimicked with traditional square tiles? Can't the effects of the 45-degree overhead view simply be "drawn in" to the square? How would this work? Picture this: the ...
Chris Scott's user avatar
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How can I generate isometric sprites based on a 3d model? [duplicate]

I'm wondering about the following: I'd like to create isometric sprites for a game that I'm currently developing. Rather than asking an artist to draw numerous sprites (which will be quite costly), ...
Salmiak's user avatar
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Isometric objects are mapped incorrect angle, but the map is fine. What am I missing?

I laid out my iso map and it's fine, but when I add my sprite actors they get located in the correct location but they are laying down not standing up. I tried rotating them on the z by 45 but then ...
Nick Tullos's user avatar
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Converting coordinate systems to/from an isometric game world

I have tried searching and reading for an answer, but the information I could dig up either didn't fit what I need or was in the form akin to "Just multiply the vectors with the inverse matrix of.." ...
PlastBox's user avatar
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Using tilemaps for an isometric football game with cocos2dx

I am writing a simple soccer game in cocos2d-x and recently found out that older iOS versions do not support cocos2d sprites larger than 1024x1024px. I was thinking about using isometric tilemaps to ...
dsimao's user avatar
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Which isometric angles can be mirrored (and otherwise transformed) for optimization?

I am working on a basic isometric game, and am struggling to find the correct mirrors. Mirror can be any form of transform. I have managed to get SE out of SW, by scaling the sprite on X axis by -1. ...
tomsseisums's user avatar
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Which data structure to use to render a large isometric game world?

I'm starting development of a 2d isometric (tiled, roguelike) game and I'm brainstorming which kind of data structure I would use to store runtime data like tiles and entities, but I don't want to use ...
user1150235's user avatar
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How to convert 3D coordinates to 2D Isometric Coordinates?

I wanted to make an isometric game which has a bouncing ball. I assume that there is a way I can "show" a jumping motion in isometric, since it has been done before, but I was unable to find the ...
Saumi's user avatar
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Is it possible to make isometric game of 200 * 200 tiles per map in Unity? [closed]

We made an isometric game in AndEngine. Now we want to convert this game into Unity. I am searching for tiles map support/plugin in Unity. I come across a plugin called Map and nav http://forum....
Zeeshan Mirza's user avatar
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How to draw only visible tiles?

I have a big map with isometric tiles(3d camera), how can i draw only visible tiles ? Whats the best way to do that ? space partitionning (octrees etc...)?
Aldo's user avatar
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Isometric Building Placement

I have my isometric world represented by isometric tiles. If I were to allow the player to place buildings on any of the tiles how would I get this funcitonality to work? I was thinking if I could ...
user1048606's user avatar
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Collision Detection with Isometric Map

I'm using the "Zig-Zag" approach to drawing my isometric map (as seen here Now I need to do collision detection on the ...
Q2Ftb3k's user avatar
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How can I fit these isometric tiles into a TileMap?

I have downloaded this 2d isometric tileset : But when I tried to create a map in Unity, I have this : ...
Dasgard's user avatar
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Deriving shadow position from a 2D heightmap

I have a 2D heightmap with discrete values. Based on these values they should cast a fixed position shadow (constant angle respective to the "sun"). I can figure out how to cast it on a flat ...
KayleMaster's user avatar
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Smart terrain generation to avoid unconnected tiles

To make this clear from the get go; I'm not looking for HOW To randomly generate a terrain (I know I can use Perlins noise for that). I'm looking for an algorithm that can help with the terrain ...
Etarnalazure's user avatar
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Back to front drawing in an Unorginized array of tiles

I have an Array of tiles in no particular order. How would I do a isometric back to front rendering on it? Do I HAVE to order it?
Trixmix's user avatar
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Tile walking algorithm for already known set of walkable tile?

Suppose I already have a list of tile that specify which tile the character can move to, and these tiles are clustered around the character. If I want to produce a path (maybe not shortest, but just a ...
user1542's user avatar
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Isometric screen to 3D world coordinates efficiently

Been having a difficult time transforming 2D screen coordinates to 3D isometric space. This is the situation where I am working in 3D but I have an orthographic camera. Then my camera is positioned at ...
Justin's user avatar
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Why do my sprites jitter when moving diagonally?

I am working on an low resolution, isometric, pixel game in which several objects move from tile to tile. I do this with this simple interpolation: ...
Mottenmann's user avatar
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Calculate position on Isometric grid

I created the following tile grid in unity3d: The blue dot is the absolute center point (0,0) of both scene space and tile map. Now I am trying to calculate the X/Y position of points on the tile ...
colosso's user avatar
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Calculate length of isometric line

In my isometric game the user can draw a line of arbitrary length, and I need to calculate the "unprojected length" of the same line. Users can only draw lines in 6 directions (4 isometric directions ...
Robin Rodricks's user avatar
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How can I use a data grid to make an isometric turn based game in GameMaker?

I am making a Hero Quest clone. It is a turn based adventure game with an isometric view point. So far I have been able to turn a 2D map into an isometric view but I believe I need to use a data grid ...
SBLux's user avatar
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How do I use tiles and sprites together in an isometric scene?

I'm trying to write a 2D isometric scene. Rendering order is complex, since both tilemaps and sprites are different concepts. Rendering one of the 2 before the other will draw the scene incorrectly. ...
Sidar's user avatar
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Trying to get sprite from isometric "z as y" tilemap

I'm using code like the following with a tilemap and tilemap collider 2d: var ray = Physics2D.RaycastAll(worldCoordinate,; Unfortunately, when I ...
Alexander Trauzzi's user avatar
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Transforming 3D coordinates to 2D isometric position

I'm trying to render isometric maps, my final goal is to render scenes that resembles Snake Rattle 'n' Roll: So I started by rendering cubes: For now I have an array with a collection of 3D vectors ...
PaperBirdMaster's user avatar
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How to convert isometric screen space coordinates to top-down world coordinates in Unity?

I have 2d grid in a 3d world facing the world up. My camera is setup so it shows an isometric view of the grid. I want to get the player's input in screen space (cyan) and find the same point on the ...
Lance Gray's user avatar
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3d isometric projection matrix?

I have 3d vectors that I want to project as 2d vectors to draw my shapes. I got a 3d vector cameraPosition, a 3d vector cameraDirection, a float renderDistance. I need to create an orthogonal / ...
Telno's user avatar
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Isometric - Do I need to add shade to the sprite images itself, or render shade during runtime?

So I'm drawing sprites right now for my game world. It's going to be isometric, not rotatable, 2.5 Dimensional. Do I need to add in the shadow to my sprites right now (which would mean to have 5~6 ...
Steven's user avatar
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How should I set camera in Blender for example to render a sprite which can be used in an isometric map?

I am trying to render some 3D model in blender and use them as a texture sprite in a game which uses Apple’s SpriteKit. I have an isometric map with tiles size : 32 as width and 24 as height, Since I ...
Iman Nia's user avatar
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Unity 2D, C# - Make object move diagonally by a certain angle?

I have a sprite object which I want to move in 8 directions. Left, Right, Up, Down, Left top, Right top, Left down, Right down. The view is 2D with a isometric projection. The difficulties I am ...
Matthew Underwood's user avatar
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Units, Layers, and Isometric Ordering

I'm currently using LibGDX and Tiled map editor to render isometric maps. I'm having a two related difficulties. The first issue is, when do I render units that will end up changing position often ...
ShrimpCrackers's user avatar
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Tiled Map Editor - Isometric View Problem [closed]

I'm using the latest version of Tiled Map Editor (0.9.1) to create isometric maps. I have objects that are larger than my tile size (64 x 32), so I am breaking them up into two tiles of the correct ...
Justin Skiles's user avatar
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HTML5 Canvas Depth Sorting

I'm have problem with Isometric. I'm don't know how to name this "problem", but I'm show you some sceen what I get and what I'm need to get. My code now drawing something like: http://2.bp.blogspot....
kichu's user avatar
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Class design for instantly switching between free-roaming world to/from battle world?

I plan to have an isometric world, which can be freely roam around. However, I desire the system to instantly apply the grid onto isometric world for battling system on any random encounter. Therefore,...
user1542's user avatar
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help a 2D image onto a 3D cube

I am just diving into the Stage3D APIs for Flash Player 11. I am trying to figure out a simple way to display isometric 2D content that gets blitted from a sprite sheet onto a 3D cube. The idea ...
as3isolib's user avatar
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Quarter turn sprite sheets?

I'm having trouble finding sprite sheets that have the characters turn in 8th movements, so that you can see back, front, left, right, and in between. What would be a good term to search for when ...
George's user avatar
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Sorting cube depth correctly with an isometric engine [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How should I sort images in an isometric game so that they appear in the correct order? I'm starting work on a simple isometric engine. Everything thing is going great at the ...
dotty's user avatar
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A-star algorithm after 2D tilemap 90-degree rotation

I am learing Unity and for now trying to implement a simply pathfinding alogorithm in a simply 2D isometric diamond-shaped tilemap. Recently I learned a way how to rotate tilemap and I already have a ...
Valeriy's user avatar
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Problem with placing isometric tiles above and below each other

In unity when using the in built tale palette to place tiles into the scene, I have come across a small problem. Im using an isometric tile-map and whenever i go to place a block, I end up placing a ...
Kami19's user avatar
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Free movement in a 3D isometric world

I'm currently experimenting with movement in a isometric perspective world and i'm thinking about how the movement should work. The movement can be either by WASD or gamepad. Since the player can ...
Gixen's user avatar
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How to transfer the player into a new scene, loaded in the background?

I'm porting an old BuidBox 2 game to the Godot game engine. I already added all assets and scenes to the Godot project. The game is a 2.5D (isometric) endless runner. What I want now is to add a ...
rraallvv's user avatar
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What are the ways to deal with elevated tile blocking the view of the tile behind it?

I'm trying to make an isometric tactical rpg type of game. One issue I encountered is that if I elevate an tile, then it starts to block the view behind it. The game is 2D, so there is no freely ...
Kaga's user avatar
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Isometric Architecture Map Game Data

I'm not sure this kind of question has been answered yet, if so i'm sorry to duplicate it. My question is rather simple : I'm creating a simple Isometric game with libgdx, i'm using Tiled but only ...
War-sloop's user avatar
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How do I detect collision between an ellipse and a rhombus?

I'm building a game in C/C++ (been alternating between the two), but one of the biggest problems I've run into is collision detection. The game is isometric and exists on a 2x1 grid (e.g. the base ...
WulffHunter's user avatar
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Libgdx draw a sprite in top of an isometric tile

I have this isometric map and im using IsometricTiledMapRenderer to render the map I have a OrthographicCamera. I know where ...
centenond's user avatar
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