Questions tagged [gui]

Graphical User Interface. A term used to describe the tools available to the player to interact with the game.

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0 votes
1 answer

How to generate the in-game world map UI for a large world?

I would like to generate a map of the game world (i.e. a world map for a full screen UI). I am not an artist so would like to automate the process. For small levels I was able to do this by capturing ...
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1 answer

DOTS entity debugger -- trouble inspecting elements within a dynamic buffer

I'm using Unity 2021.2.7f1 with the latest versions of DOTS available. When I open up the entities debugger "Windows / DOTS / Enities" I can begin inspecting the live component values ...
1 vote
3 answers

How can I make the X button in the Cardboard XDK exit VR mode?

When I build a game using Unity 2017.2.0f3 and the Cardboard SDK (using XR settings) and run it on my device, I see two controls overlaid on the screen, a cross and a gear: Currently, pressing the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Unity custom editor - nested Property Drawer is getting Enum names for the parent property, instead of the child

I have a class, EnumMap<TEnum,TValue>, for associating each member of an enum type with a value of a given type, since I find myself running into situations ...
0 votes
1 answer

How do you get the texture coordinate hit by the mouse on a UI Raw Image in Unity?

It seems raycast hit does not work for UI... is it possible to get the .textureCoord of a point hit by the mouse on a UI raw image? (raw image provided by a render camera elsewhere far far away)
-1 votes
1 answer

There is no ".text" member after I type "GUIText"

I want to write a text in game scene... but when I type... void Update() { GUIText.t| Then the code completion hints do not offer to complete this "t...&...
3 votes
3 answers

Camera.WorldToScreenPoint not working with perspective

transform.position = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint( new Vector3( origin.position.x, origin.position.y, origin.position.z ) ); I have this code on a Unity 4.6 UI ...
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0 answers

How do I make something like Minecraft's crafting table

I'm making a mod for version 1.16. I want to make a crafting table with 3x3 grid which is automated. I need it to implement and read other mod recipes and minecraft recipes. I need to know how I to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Interactive Controls (switches, knobs, buttons) in Unity [closed]

I'm working on a puzzle aspect of a game, and wanted to make a section where players relay information to one another, and have to input the correct values. At its most basic, its a few stored ...
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0 answers

UGUI canvas and NGUI panel overlap issue - Set Sorting Order

I have a NGUI Panel and a UGUI (Unity UI) panel. All are working fine but there is a small problem. When I open the NGUI panel meanwhile my GUI panel is also open, then NGUI panel appears behind the ...
0 votes
1 answer

how do place UI in code at bottom screen?

I am struggling to figure out how I can add a UI prefab on screen in code so that it appears "anchored" at the bottom center of the screen. I realize this might be a common question. I ...
1 vote
0 answers

Rendering 3D items in a GUI in Unreal Engine

I have various buildable 3D items in my game like so: These are just a few, but there will eventually be hundreds of them. The models of each of these items are displayed to the user as part of a ...
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2 answers

Unity open UI from ScriptableObject

I have a Canvas that has multiple UI Panels in it for an inventory, crafting, etc. To open these panels I currently have a ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to get which gameobject the mouse is over in Unity?

So I'm working on a simple drag-n-drop based trading card game for my own amusement. There is a card inspector included. What I want to achieve is to change values in the inspector (which has its ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why is my UI not working on android but works perfectly on PC?

I tested my game for the first time on mobile and the UI almost doesn't work. I use if(!EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject()) to check if I'm clicking on ...
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1 answer

How to recreate a comic book panel transition with my canvas (simple 2D background art)? So I want to achieve a transition like from the above video, specifically at 0:23 the TRACK, but there is a 3 Dimensional ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to reset RectTransform's position?

So, I am trying to make a simple GUI Instantiate system. The GUI is going to spawn successfully, but the position is wrong. ...
1 vote
0 answers

UE5 - stop hiding the Content Draw

Semi-Solution: Going to Window > Layout > UE4 Classic Layout opens out the content browser and other stuff without them closing down again. However, I'm still not sure how to set it to stay or ...
5 votes
3 answers

Custom editor script not updating when values are changed from script?

I have a custom editor script which I have used to neatly arrange a huge group of variables into tabs. Some of these variables change in the script and it's very useful to see what they are without ...
0 votes
1 answer

Godot: Invalid set index error

I'm trying to make UI for my game and making a button that changes its own focus neighbour when pressed: $SettingsButton.focus_neighbour_left = $ItemGrid/Slot2 But ...
1 vote
0 answers

Editing an InputField on mobile with the keypad open, it wont let me edit another field without loosing focus on the current 1st. How to by pass?

When I'm typing into a tmp input field on a mobile keypad, I can't instantly edit another input field by clicking it!? I have to click off the keypad to loose focus on the current before I can click ...
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0 answers

match-3 Board border

I'm new to unity and I'm currently working on a match-3 game. I know there are a lot of similar games and that's why I would like to know what is the best way to autogenerate border of a match-3 board ...
0 votes
1 answer

Unity make an Expandable Scroll List (adding elements) [duplicate]

I am trying to make a scrollable list with premade elements that you can add using a button. The problem is that the list's Content element needs to be exapanded as ...
0 votes
1 answer

Unity - Button still interactable even when interactable is set to false

my button can still be pressed in-game even if I set it to button.interactable = false; What I'm trying to achieve is when the Panel ...
0 votes
2 answers

Responsive GUI with Unity and C# script

I'm working on my character menu for an RPG in Unity. I have my menu set up with different buttons for different categories. All is well, except when I re-size my screen, my layout is sized ...
1 vote
2 answers

Unity particles rendering on top of camera space UI

I'm using LWRP in Unity 2019.1.12f1. The UI is in Screen Space - Camera. The shader used for the particles is Lightweight Render Pipeline/Particles/Unlit (Transparent, Premultiply). Any ideas?
2 votes
0 answers

What is a natural way of rendering dynamic (partially view dependent) GUI elements?

My question is really about low-level rendering techniques, but I'm going to illustrate it with a high-level GUI example. I'm not so much interested in GUI design, but rather in some basic concepts ...
3 votes
1 answer

Prevent Unity click from going through Canvas

I'm currently facing this problem: If I click on a Button on my Canvas, the currently selected Unit moves towards the location under the Button. Is is there any option to solve this? I'm using the A* ...
0 votes
1 answer

Tween a pop-up containing several buttons

I am developing a small game with Phaser 3. I want to make a container with several buttons, representing a pop-up dialog. The container needs to pop up on completing a task. When container pops up, I ...
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0 answers

Line Up Overlay UI Elements with World Space Object

How do you line up something in the UI with something in the world? I'm trying to use Camera.WorldToScreenPoint() but I cannot figure out how to implement it ...
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0 answers

how to disable or block all ui interactiablity in canvas without any blocker image?

I need to disable any interaction from UI for some reason. I know there are some approaches like using a blocker image to disable the whole UI but I don't want to use that. I need to know is there ...
0 votes
2 answers

Is there no UI culling for unity?

I don't understand, am I missing something? I have hundreds of moving images on screen that only need to render and do their logic/physics when they are in the canvas. Otherwise they can just ...
-2 votes
1 answer

I need a game over (UI image) to appear after timer reaches 0

So here is my timer script that works fine. I need it to activate the game over (UI image) when the timer reaches 0. I tried attaching a game over script to the UI image (GOS script)..... no luck <...
0 votes
1 answer

How do Nethack frontends work?

I have been trying to learn about GUI frontends for Nethack, but I have been unable to determine how do they get the game information (map, inventory, player info, enemy locations, etc) from Nethack? ...
4 votes
3 answers

Making a dialog that expands to fit its text

I'm trying to make an OK/Cancel-style dialog which will expand to fit its text in Unity 5.6. I've been trying to pull this off using Unity's built-in UI layout components, but so far I haven't been ...
1 vote
1 answer

Does XNA have a built-in GUI library? [closed]

Does such a thing exist or do I have to code one? My project needs textboxes, buttons, input capture, timings for "press and hold keys" and so on. These are quite standard for a GUI library but hard ...
2 votes
3 answers

How to design a GUI / controls system classes

I'm at the stage when I need to develop some kind of GUI with windows, clickable buttons, etc. It's going to be a RPG game so these components will be used extensively so I want them to be as flexible ...
5 votes
4 answers

Console-type interface in game

I am currently programming a very simple 2d game in C# with XNA. I was wondering how to implement a console-type interface in a game or graphical software like there is in Skyrim or Counter-strike or ...
0 votes
1 answer

What's the best way to draw gizmos in build

I currently use Unity gizmos for many debugging purposes, but I'd like almost all of them to be visible to the player in-game (when the game is built). For example, when a player is dragging to place ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to integrate images into text lines in Unity?

Here are two screenshots from Stellaris, where images are seamlessly integrated into the text. How can I achieve this in Unity?
0 votes
0 answers

How do I highlight the squares adjacent to my player in a Isometric grid

I am making a grid base RPG (like Fire Emblem but isometric) but currently I'm stuck on the movement, mainly the UI (showing how far the player can move around the board). Like the image below where ...
1 vote
0 answers

Orientation changed event in Unity3D?

I'd like to listen to orientation change events, so for example my UI layout or the components themselves can be changed. All I've found is that I should check the value of ...
1 vote
1 answer

Skill button cooldown

When a spell is on cooldown I display a "unfilling" black bar over the spell GUI until the cooldown is reached. Problem is when i have more than one second of cooldown the scale of the "...
0 votes
0 answers

How to make counter unity? [duplicate]

How do I count how many diamonds my player has collected in my 3d world What I need to do is to make a script which will update my text ui when the player collides with a diamond but I do not know how ...
1 vote
1 answer

Make Unity Text Area to act like a logger

I'm trying to create a text area in Unity using UI.Text that contains multi-line text which should act like a log view, i.e the text area ...
1 vote
1 answer

Detect when item has been dragged & dropped onto an inventory slot

In my inventory system I want to be able to drag and drop items into inventory slots. I managed to make it work, but only in a weird way: When the player starts dragging, it picks up the item and it ...
2 votes
2 answers

How to render line renderer or trail renderer above UI canvas

I want to create a line renderer and also trail renderer that would follow touches but both must be rendered above my UI canvas — how can I do this? I have tried this with the "screen space camera" ...
0 votes
0 answers

Unity 3D - Why does my button need to be clicked twice to work?

My goal is to go back and forth between a series of animations by clicking left and right arrow UI buttons. I wrote this C# script and the "next" button (which executes ...
-1 votes
1 answer

How do I make buttons function on the cursors click in roblox studio? [duplicate]

I would just like to know how to add buttons in roblox studio because when I play roblox and see all those great games with buttons that I can click! How do I make a button, and how do I make it work?
1 vote
2 answers

Curved 3D health bar

Hello I would like to make a curved healthbar (like if it is drawn on a cylinder). See the spatial UI element left to the shoulder of the character on this photo for what I mean. There is a main ...

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