Questions tagged [entity]

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7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How do I design a "Chores" or "Errands" system?

I have a number of entities running around in my game, and I am running into a headache trying to design and implement a system for them to both generate and assign the tasks. More than anything else, ...
Raven Dreamer's user avatar
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How to manage data relationships when designing a crafting system?

I'm trying to determine all the items, crafting methods and recipes to put in my game, and the relationships between them. I need a tool that allows me to do this both top down (boat needs sails and ...
Teeracroptus's user avatar
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What is the proper way of creating bullet in libgdx ashley ecs framework?

I'm still thinking, how do I properly pool a bullet in libgdx ashley? Because the PooledEngine is available, which the Entities, ...
ronscript's user avatar
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XNA Collision In An Entity Part System

I've hit a loss in creating a "game engine" in XNA, I'm extremely confused over how to approach collision in an Entity-Part System ( following this as a reference ). I can make all the entities with a ...
Zombleh's user avatar
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Entity initialization in an online game

How do online games handle creation of new entities? I currently have an EntityFactory class that requires an ID (specifying the entity type). A bunch of subroutines are executed to determine exactly ...
Kaeru's user avatar
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How to handle various collision effects within an Entity Component System?

Let's say we have three enemies, a bear trap, a fire trap, and a minotaur. When you walk over the bear trap, the game spawns an invisible entity that, upon the player colliding with it, slows the ...
Ryan Peschel's user avatar
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Is there a way to make the enemy start its pathfinding once the player is in a certain distance than the enemy

I am currently using A stars' pathfinding code here: So I didn't create any scripts, and used the scripts provided by astar. But the problem here is that even though ...
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